Yukon Ho!

Apparently I have a hard time staying in one place. Heck, three months after I was born, I was already moving to another country. This time around, it's slightly more my decision, although, is it ever really?
Missouri is now an almost distant memory. I grew a lot there and feel a lot more confident about the icy roads ahead from that experience. My future in the land up north and what exactly I'll be doing there is, so far, about as clear as the LA smog; but if there's anything I've learned from the Nomad's lifestyle, it's that change is good and often necessary to keep life well seasoned and fulfilling.
I'm very grateful for the last few days I've been able to spend in my brother's life. I don't get too many opportunities to do that these days. My flight leaves in a few hours and by now I think both of us, as enjoyable as the past two weeks have been, are looking forward to that fact.
I spent many hours in the saddle going up and down the Hollywood Hills and surrounding area and I can gladly say I've experienced about as much cycling in these parts as I care to. LA isn't the greatest area for cycling, though it seems to be working on it. It's just, nothing really compares to riding in the mountains where each breath is waft of pine scented crispness, not dirty, carbon filled pollution.
The land of the midnight sun may yet be the greatest thing to happen in my life so far. I've graduated from subsisting on stipend and living in extended stay hotels into a place some call the "real world." Though no more or less real than the growing up part of life, the Next Chapter can only get better. With promises of snow, mountains, bears, and northern lights, what's not to look forward to?
From one man He has made every nation of men to live all over the earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live, so that they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.
Acts 17: 26-27
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